I didn't say anything near approaching that. But if I had an MP who was opposed to no deal and yet refused to do the very obvious and constitionally legitimate thing which could stop it because they disliked the person who would stop it, I'd be pretty pissed. Tory, libdem, or labor.
There's a path of least resistance here. It would be excellent if people would just follow it.
Sorry - didn't mean to put words in your mouth. I just think that's the crux of it - a lot of Tories think Corbyn in any form is suicide. I don't agree, but without winning a decent over from that position, a gov of national unity will fail.
The issue is that this is only the path of least resistance because Corbyn insists on it; it isn't a constitutional necessity that it be Corbyn, it just has to be whoever can obtain the support of the house. Labour's position that it can only be Corbyn makes this a partisan issue rather than one in the national interest.
Do you honestly believe Corbyn will get Tories onside?