• Libdemmed is perfectly fair, they've been harping on about stopping brexit as their main policy, and picking up votes on it, making it almost their only idea, bollocks to brexit and all that. But actually they're more worried about having Corbyn in charge for a couple of weeks when he's said that he'll sort out a second referendum and a general election, 2 things the libdems said they want but Ken Clarke is against, yet they prefer him.

  • I agree they could have handled it better. But unless Corbyn can show he can command support from a decent number of Tories, then their position is fair - we need someone who can. Do you honestly think that's Corbyn?

  • This. No way will Corbyn pick up Tory support - he’s less popular than a no deal brexit (however bonkers that is). From that perspective the lib dem stance is rational

    If Corbyn wanted to stop brexit and follow the majority of his party, he’d step aside (insert appropriate smiley...)

  • But unless Corbyn can show he can command support from a decent number of Tories, then their position is fair

    Corbyn can't even command support from the majority of MPs in his own party. Most of them would get rid of him if they possibly could, and I'm pretty sure a fair few would refuse to back him as PM.
