• I have seen many traditional pubs been saved by being classed as a community asset. It doesn't last mostly.
    Developers often up the rent to make it unfeasible..no one takes it on for years and as a derelict building the council relent and finally allow for 'luxury' flats.
    Repeated many times.

  • Yes, as ever, there are ways of getting around the provisions. To be fair, in quite a few cases the spirit of the law has been obeyed, but you're right. Reading the London Drinker, you do hear about those that got away.

    Unfortunately, 'fixing' the housing market would mean bringing the cost of residential accommodation back in line with that of other types of premises, which would lead to a lot of people seeing their overvalued investments readjusted in value. Well, I don't know if it's ever going to happen, 'house prices' being such a fetish, but it's the only way of increasing home ownership rates and consistently building social housing again.
