Thanks for this recommendation, I must admit I oversimplified it in my head initialy. I measured everything, bought new spokes and will be doing a 2 cross 28H pattern on the rear hub and radial 28H at the front.
This spoke caculator was awesome:
https://www.wheelpro.co.uk/spokecalc/and video to go with it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EvkvQ7i9DB8
I will also be attempting truing the wheels directly on the bicycle as best I can.
Will post pics when done!
thanks again,
This is an image of spoking patterns from the classic book by Gerd Schraner "The Art Of Wheel Building", if you get a copy of that (there are probably PDFs online) and study the pictures in the lacing section you can't go wrong.
... are you sure that the ERD is the same for the old & new rims? From your photo it looks like your hub is vintage and the rim is modern. If you're not swapping the hub-and-spokes into a rim identical to the old one you're going to have trouble. The relevant things to be identical are the ERD (very important) and the spoke hole offset (not so important).
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