I'm thinking about this now. I thought private rides didn't count towards yearly totals, but they do (this is good news). My commutes are flat, so elevation challenges aren't contributed to, and I don't ride enough really to get close to the distance challenges for a month.
I guess it stemmed from undergrad when every commute was a game, my housemate and I would actively try and beat each other just about every day.I do like the challenges generally though yeah, it gamifies the whole thing a little. I don't look at others' 'trophy cabinets' and would be surprised if anyone looks at mine, but I like getting the gran fondo badge, or 10k or whatever.
Re: private v. public, I just set my rides to upload as private by default then make public the ones I want to share. This is an easy way to record all the things without boring people and yes there's no excuse.
Generally Strava annoys me more now than it did, but that might just be because I'm getting older.While this is fair enough, it's up to someone to follow/unfollow me if their annoyed by my commutes, not up to me to tailor what I do for their pleasure.
Yeah, as lame as it is I leave mine non-private for these reasons too