I'm just a cyclist sheltering from the weather. Most people are pretty nonplussed about a soggy solo rider. Normally I'll be in places away from public view but sometimes I just don't care. Most people are concerned - I've tried to nap on a patch of grass and without fail, 10min later, no matter how few cars have been through, someone will come past and think I've crashed. Took me ages to explain to someone one night I was "just stretching" and I was ok. It was 5am and I was lying on some grass beside the road trying to get a powernap.
The church was at night, so was the bin store. The garage was in the middle of the day but I'm pretty sure they'd understand why I was in there. I didn't actually have the bivvy out for the last two, I'd just gone inside and laid on the dirt/concrete and fallen asleep.