Imho one of the nicest crankset ever made! I was considering swapping them for double Middleburn chainset but decided to keep DA as it nicely accompanies the rest of the group on the bike
I didn't know that 37t 130bcd chainrings exist... Thanks for the link @Mr_Bump. Willow Tripleizer chainring could be a solutions but installed it leaves the outer spider "empty" – visual aspect that I personally don't like
Ah, the lovely 7410 crank set, I kept a pair of the titanium bolt/crank cap set for posterity from my 8 speed days!
There were some 37T 130mm BCD inner rings knocking around BITD, dunno if you can still find them though, another option to get a smaller inner is to maybe buy a tripliser big ring like this for instance https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Willow-Tripleizer-Chainring-Triple-Crank-Adaptor-Rivendell-130-bcd-46t/183805425281?hash=item2acba83681:g:RYIAAOSwZjJU2LBL you can then fit an appropriate 74mm BCD ring that suits your needs better. When doing this, say a 46/48 with a big drop then something like a Fd-6207 front mech works really well, didn't have problems with mine with early 10 speed STIs.
luck hunting