Pretty sure it can be reprofiled, though based on the amount of material to be removed, it might take you more time than its worth on a stone.
Wheel to get the profile right, and then reground to desired edge.My mum had an ancient Henckels 4 star chef knife that she dropped, where the tip snapped off. Had it refinished into a vegetable chopper/santoku shape which she preferred.
This was back when Henckels didn't do Santokus, so apparently importing 'exotic' German knives and grinding them to a different shape was a thing.
Thoughts on this:
Henckels chef's knife; I've had it for about 15 years and the profile has become concave, and I think the bolster is also too high now.
Could this be ground down / re-profiled on a stone, or would it need to go to a professional who may attack it on a wheel, or is it fubar?