Below is a picture of my front garden wall - from the estate agent pic before we bought it. The picture was probably taken in around February, and since moving in, I have put in some concrete filler into the cracks in the wall and painted it with one coat (I then went on holiday and it's been too wet to paint since I got back).
As you can see from the picture, the wall clearly gets quite damp. Is there any way to stop this from happening? Surely you can't put a DPC in a wall. Is this just from normal wet weather, or it likely to indicate damp between the brick and the render?
Here's another one.
Below is a picture of my front garden wall - from the estate agent pic before we bought it. The picture was probably taken in around February, and since moving in, I have put in some concrete filler into the cracks in the wall and painted it with one coat (I then went on holiday and it's been too wet to paint since I got back).
As you can see from the picture, the wall clearly gets quite damp. Is there any way to stop this from happening? Surely you can't put a DPC in a wall. Is this just from normal wet weather, or it likely to indicate damp between the brick and the render?
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