Based on my experience of failing to finish LEL, don't make too definite plans about average speeds or anything. I went into it thinking of it being a straightforward series of 300k day rides with sleeps inbetween. The reality worked out very differently. My average speed plumeted as the ride went on and I wasted a load of time trying and failing to sleep early on. In retrospect I'd have been much better to ride as far as possible without sleep initially, building up more of a time buffer to cover me for later in the ride.
This isn't to be discouraging or pessimistic - you'll be fine. Just don't expect things to go exactly as planned. Weather, sleep stops, etc are all a bit unpredictable.
(no idea why I'm giving advice having failed to finish anything over 600k, but have spent a lot of time thinking about where I went wrong on LEL. Though it's quite a different ride as well of course).
Getting a bit nervous now, imminently about to enter the unknown. Well after Brest anyway. Wondering if the bare minimum involving only having done the one 200 pre qualifier, and then the minimum qualifying rides this year are enough. Including the post bike fit dunwich ride, these are the only rides I've done on the geared bike.
So my plan is to just aim for 20kph ave, which gives me 30 hours off the bike. Plus, I have forgone caffeine for past two weeks, so will be drinking espressos strategically. And sleep normally now as much as possible till the start.
Weather looks like it'll be likely be a bit wet a few times, but without any stormy headwinds or heatwaves, so am willing to get a bit of rain if it means a tailwind back.