See if you can insert an ebay baffle directly into the pipe, allows you to start up and ride away from where you live, then remove (maybe take pliers) when you get somewhere more fun.
I kinda prefer running silent, those that don't notice a mc or hear one wouldn't see or hear a freight train running into them so find it doesn't make much differnce on open road (around town filtering though yes to noise).
Starting to be more police on roads round here, so silently running up helps avoid alittle attention
The exhaust that’s currently fitted on my Virago 250 is well rusty do I bought a used one off eBay that needs a little repair but is in much better condition overall.
Chopped the silencers off the old one and went for a ride last night.
Sounds absolutely bonkers! Might just be a bit too much for the neighbours to bear though haha!