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  • The trip now has a date to end, and it's soon. I accepted a job offer in London so we have to wrap it up mid-Oct. It was a (very) difficult decision but a sensible one.

    All going well we'll have just enough time to get to Istanbul and dip our toes in European waters before flying back to Brexit.

    It's too early to reminisce about a trip I'm still making, but if we learned something is that there will be others. We know we can drop everything and leave, and that's a great thing to learn about ourselves.

    We're also super happy to have ridden in reverse to what most EU tourists do. If nothing else it was much easier to get into China, and we managed to fit a lot of the areas we wanted to ride in without running the risk of running out of time/money/patience/motivation.

    We are now in Samarkand, out of the endless mountains of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. I'll write some thoughts on the Pamir Highway and post pics later. Tomorrow we take the train towards the Caspian Sea and then onwards to Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey. Really looking forward to this stretch!


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