By the looks of it Nemo has the design. It's so long ago that I did IP law, idk. Copyright is authors life +70yrs. But design rights are much shorter, as are patents (25yrs iirc).
Personally I feel there is a balance to be struck and I was always taken by the fact that the most dynamic and fast moving industries seem to have the least restrictive* IP laws.
*or least heavy enforced might be a better phase
Like this?
If so apparently:
Personally I think +50yrs from the death of the person who designed it is plenty, and I'm not sure what value is added, or extra authenticity is gained by some other brand milking a dead guy's design.
But what I actually meant was have a look on aliexpress for another design you like and not necessarily a fake one.
Out of interest I had a look to find an original (well period one I guess?) and came across this.