And done, more pics sometime soon. 10.9 kg right now, so rather hefty, and deffo on the big side for me, but it's still decent for commuting and stuff. Braking power is surprisingly good, given the brakes are exactly 36 years old.
Frame's most probably a KTM Formula S, originally equipped with an Arabesque 600 groupset, and probably dates to 1983 or 1984. The latter suits me better, love me an Orwell-bike. :)
And done, more pics sometime soon. 10.9 kg right now, so rather hefty, and deffo on the big side for me, but it's still decent for commuting and stuff. Braking power is surprisingly good, given the brakes are exactly 36 years old.
Frame's most probably a KTM Formula S, originally equipped with an Arabesque 600 groupset, and probably dates to 1983 or 1984. The latter suits me better, love me an Orwell-bike. :)
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