I understood he wants a shake up as well, from a BBC article on him, but I don't get the impression he wants us riff-raff to get a say.
Brexit creates strange bedfellows. The enemy of my enemy..? But then he doesn't give a **** about parliament, as he's held in contempt, or the truth within a more defined context than "I am right" so...perhaps they are a good match after all :p
He seems to have written some unsavoury stuff about genes and people with disabilities, I may need to check that out if I can stand it.
It's worth reading DC's blog (although I haven't for a while).
It might be more helpful to think in terms of his underlying motivations, which based on my reading is a fundamental shake up and restructure of how the country is run and managed.
Interestingly though, my original interpretation was that BJ is the sort of person who is the absolute epitome of everything DC should loath in the polical class.