• #81927
• #81928
• #81929
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• #81930
• #81931
Deep fakes when used for good, are magic...
• #81932
This is also incredible
• #81933
Yea that guy's pretty funny.
Love the Schwarzenegger one! -
• #81934
Whoa that's creepy
• #81935
It's so well done - the transitions are incredible.
It's also fucking terrifying that this tech will 100% be used as a propaganda tool for the US 2020 elections.
• #81936
We need a separate thread for tester's magical illusions.
• #81937
Incredible & terrifying. ✔️
• #81938
So much this. The death of truth.
• #81939
Or trust?
• #81940
The thing is you can easily see how a version of a deepfake will be pushed out on FB or Twitter then deleted as the poster "found out" (although they knew before) it was a mistake but purely, in reality, to seed the video into other accounts without the retraction or context. It's terrifying.
• #81941
you can easily see how a version of a deepfake will be pushed out on FB or Twitter then deleted as the poster "found out" (although they knew before) it was a mistake but purely, in reality, to seed the video into other accounts without the retraction or context
Repost, see Swift from 309 years ago:
as the vilest Writer has his Readers, so the greatest Liar has his Believers; and it often happens, that if a Lie be believ’d only for an Hour, it has done its Work, and there is no farther occasion for it. Falsehood flies, and the Truth comes limping after it; so that when Men come to be undeceiv’d, it is too late; the Jest is over, and the Tale has had its Effect…
• #81942
You could call it Trumping.
• #81943
Fake news!
• #81944
It's terrifying
Meh. History tells us that a regime contingent for it's continuation on the deception of the ruled will be temporary. Jacques Abbadie was not wrong 335 years ago:
[on peut] tromper quelques hommes, ou les tromper tous dans certains lieux et en certains temps, mais non pas tous les hommes, dans tous les lieux et dans tous les siécles.
• #81945
You could call it Trumping
One can Trump some men, or Trump them all in certain circumstaces and in certain times, but not all men, in all circumstances & in all periods.
• #81946
But one man can Trump ON all
• #81947
I can't see the transitions, I just see Bill Hader. Is it just me? I couldn't see the difference in the Arnold one either.
There's either something wrong in my brain or these are just a massive wind up.
• #81948
When he does the impressions of ton cruise (and Seth Rogan) he has their faces
• #81949
Sort of street names and buildings that are cracking me up at the moment
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• #81950
Sort of street names
I'm going to need a lot of persuading that "Chinese names which are rude in English" are cracking anybody up more than the Edinburgh highways & planning officer who pulled this off
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Aha, zooming in cleared it up! Sort of optical illusions that are etc etc