I was disappointed that @skinnydidnt compete this year. For the last four years, following his dot has been amazing. He, more than anyone, hooked me on the TCR.
I have now realised that it was a stroke of genius not to return and attempted the hat trick. If he had raced he would either have broken his winning streak or, equally bad, have denied Fiona the victory. By not riding James has allowed us to enjoy this amazing win without mixed emotions.
I was disappointed that @skinnydidnt compete this year. For the last four years, following his dot has been amazing. He, more than anyone, hooked me on the TCR.
I have now realised that it was a stroke of genius not to return and attempted the hat trick. If he had raced he would either have broken his winning streak or, equally bad, have denied Fiona the victory. By not riding James has allowed us to enjoy this amazing win without mixed emotions.