Was reading this/BBC cut-and-paste. One big question for me is after that isn’t his biological passport going to be totally fucked? I’d have thought for such injuries he’s gonna be pumped full of good stuff. Very unlikely it will have ‘exited’ his system, and even less likely it ‘won’t’ provide performance enhancement if he did ever race again.
He's under very tight medical supervision, they aren't going to use anything that is on the banned list unless they absolutely have to, and even then they could apply for, and be granted, a TUE to cover it.
Was reading this/BBC cut-and-paste. One big question for me is after that isn’t his biological passport going to be totally fucked? I’d have thought for such injuries he’s gonna be pumped full of good stuff. Very unlikely it will have ‘exited’ his system, and even less likely it ‘won’t’ provide performance enhancement if he did ever race again.