Busy couple of days, picked up a shed locally on Freecycle Thursday evening and spent yesterday putting it back up.
Painfully, as it was in such good condition - I had to cut the two largest panels in half as my zipvan was too small, so I had to do a bit of remedial work yesterday.
We've desperately needed one as we were storing everything in the green house, which was becoming increasingly difficult to get in due to the size of our tomatoes!
Busy couple of days, picked up a shed locally on Freecycle Thursday evening and spent yesterday putting it back up.
Painfully, as it was in such good condition - I had to cut the two largest panels in half as my zipvan was too small, so I had to do a bit of remedial work yesterday.
We've desperately needed one as we were storing everything in the green house, which was becoming increasingly difficult to get in due to the size of our tomatoes!
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