Holy hell. One of my bosses just got back from a trip to Germany where he picked a few brains about issues we've been getting from Rohloff customers and what the actual fuck!
Something Rohloff isn't telling people is that the QR version of the hub suffers from poor shifting if the QR is tighter than 7nm. 7 FIG NEWTON METERS!
What sort of problems? I ran a rohloff for years on am mtb with horizontal drops, and a qr tightened to the point I couldn't undo it trackside once and I never had a shifting problem? Don't disbelieve you but just never heard this before.
Holy hell. One of my bosses just got back from a trip to Germany where he picked a few brains about issues we've been getting from Rohloff customers and what the actual fuck!
Something Rohloff isn't telling people is that the QR version of the hub suffers from poor shifting if the QR is tighter than 7nm. 7 FIG NEWTON METERS!