So my bro's missus been moaning at him to get his ex's name (which she tattooed on his arse herself - she's not a tattooist) covered for years so he decides a massive weasel is order of the day. 1 Day down, day 2 to finish in a couple of weeks.
my bro's missus been moaning at him to get his ex's name (which she tattooed on his arse herself - she's not a tattooist) covered for years so he decides a massive weasel is order of the day
So my bro's missus been moaning at him to get his ex's name (which she tattooed on his arse herself - she's not a tattooist) covered for years so he decides a massive weasel is order of the day. 1 Day down, day 2 to finish in a couple of weeks.