• I am very sorry to hear you can't make it. I would be happy to lead but there is a chance I won't be to the Ivy House until 8:40ish and I think the group should probably leave at 8ish to allow ample time for stopping to admire the Ye Olde Infrastructure and playing grabass in the blackberry bushes (or whatever happens on these rides). @jaeyukdapbap maybe you could lead out for a bit and we can switch once I'm back on so you can admire more than just your gps device?

  • Ahhh, @seager, @Scrabble and I are bivvying out in the Surrey hills tonight with the intention of back tracking the route a bit to find a place for breakfast and meet on route - Dorking, Headley or Banstead depending on when we wake.

    Would a slightly later deparet in Ecobeard's absence make sense? Less chance of losing people?
