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• #177
If you go back a few pages, I posted a few shots from my recce ride of the route.
It's road/tarmac until Epsom, then we cross the race course - its chalk/flint at that point, then leads to clay/sand and into woodland, after that it's road again, then fine gravel (a managed trail). The Downs link itself is gravel. After Stan's Bike Hut it's rougher gravel/clinker then fine gravel (managed trail).It's all rideable on 28c light touring tyres. I probably wouldn't want to take 25c or 23c tyres unless you need some fillings removed and thin sidewall race tyres would probably be a mistake.
• #178
Thanks! Very helpful. Trendy bike it is.
• #179
I’m an idiot so have packed up the slim tyred fixeh for a nights bivvying tonight and that’s my decision made without option to change it.
“I never go for a walk without my bike” is the RSF mantra.
Anyhow, I’m getting some fillings put in next week. What’s a few more??
Thanks though dude!
• #180
Sounds good to me.
• #181
Ah cheers I’ve worrying this morning that I should have changed marathon supremes for Specialized sawtooths (teeth?) yesterday. There’s rain due at the south end and the forecast up here is all over the place
• #183
Very very annoyingly, I am going to have to drop out of tommorrows ride.
I'm absolutely gutted but unfortunatley theres no way around it.
@youramericanlover can you lead the herd from the IH in the morning?
Really,really sorry everyone
• #184
What? No stickers!
• #185
I've got a pack at home - should be able to nip by to grab em.
• #186
I am very sorry to hear you can't make it. I would be happy to lead but there is a chance I won't be to the Ivy House until 8:40ish and I think the group should probably leave at 8ish to allow ample time for stopping to admire the Ye Olde Infrastructure and playing grabass in the blackberry bushes (or whatever happens on these rides). @jaeyukdapbap maybe you could lead out for a bit and we can switch once I'm back on so you can admire more than just your gps device?
• #187
Ach, it’s very very annoying!
Can anyone lead from the IH tomorrow morning at 0800?
Sorry to mess everyone about like this
• #188
Ahhh, @seager, @Scrabble and I are bivvying out in the Surrey hills tonight with the intention of back tracking the route a bit to find a place for breakfast and meet on route - Dorking, Headley or Banstead depending on when we wake.
Would a slightly later deparet in Ecobeard's absence make sense? Less chance of losing people?
• #189
I'd vote for a later start with everyone setting off together. A 9am start gives us plenty of time for the journey right?
• #190
Also super-gutting that you can't make it after doing all the prep-work!
• #191
26c tyres and lots of swearing will have to do for me.
I’ll be coming from Tottenham so a slightly later start suits me.
• #192
^ meaning 0930 at the picturesque Mitcham Eastfields?
Okay! Might fit an hour of weeding into the allotment (which is just the other side of the tracks).
• #193
To give YAL a chance to tack on we'll go for a 8:45am depart from the IH. So a 45 min delay to the ride.
Mitcham crew, I'm gonna grab a phone number and add you to a whatsapp group so you're easily found by the IH group.
Us campers will add our breakfast location to said whatsapp group/keep in touch if there's any issues.
• #194
Ok ride will leave IH about 8:45 / as soon as I can get there, happy to lead.
We will wheel up, you can expect to be in HR zone 4 in a two-up rotation until we have made back the time.
• #195
WHEELDESK: 50-559 Supremes here, because old (and everything hurts).
• #196
• #197
Nice one, see you tomorrow!
• #198
If you're meeting at Mitcham, you're aiming to be there for 9:15am. Alex B is your leader. Can you confirm with him as he will be holding the register and checking off names. Anyone who who doesn't show or is running late without making it known will feel his wrath.
For those of us meeting at Mitchum Eastfields, can I suggest we meet
on the pavement to the left of the level crossing? -
• #199
To keep things simple, I'll wait at Mitcham Eastfields, here: https://www.google.com/maps/@51.4075404,-0.154485,3a,75y,222.04h,84.95t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1snYovJ3nYHPm21VIAftJDBA!2e0!6s%2F%2Fgeo1.ggpht.com%2Fcbk%3Fpanoid%3DnYovJ3nYHPm21VIAftJDBA%26output%3Dthumbnail%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26thumb%3D2%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D163.96115%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192
Until the group from Ivy House arrives, then we'll all set off together.
This is the route I am planning to follow: https://cycle.travel/map/journey/107557
The site gives you the option to download almost any type of GPS file - I'll be using a track. -
• #200
Mitcham: I’ll be there in good time.
I'm out, unfortunately. I fell off last week and haven't quite recovered.
Have a good ride.