• #19977
Shutter would fire when I wound on so went in for a CLA. Ended up finding the Sutter curtain had micro holes throughout so sent over a non working spare to have it's shutter swapped with. Think it was around £100-150?
• #19978
Is anyone interested in borrowing this (below) and in exchange showing me how to use my Sony digital properly?
1 Attachment
• #19979
A couple from recent excursion to Mallorca.
Canon A1
20mm F2.8/50mm F1.4
Portra 160 -
• #19980
Anyone know of a paper dev with a long shelf life?
Currently using the standard Ilford Multigrade stuff but everytime I go to do some printing its knackered and then I go to make more and find out I have pretty much a full bottle of knackered stuff too.
I have some powder film dev which is supposed to last for like, forever isn't it? So wonder if there's something similar for paper?
• #19981
Some taken from a recent trip to Rainbow Mountains Zhangye China.
9 months expired Velvia 50, rated at 25.
Shot on a Fuji GA645, which happens to be up for grabs:
4 Attachments
• #19982
• #19983
I think it's time to switch labs, not been too pleased with FilmDev's scans recently. Muddy shadows, etc. The 120 scans have been ok but 35mm are definitely underwhelming, and I'm 99% sure it's not my exposures
Where else are people using?
• #19984
• #19985
Stunning location.
• #19987
Beautiful shots, amazing location and light. Looks like that wee Fuji nailed the metering too. WANT!
• #19988
Amazing pictures, such great colours!
• #19989
I think it's time to switch labs, not been too pleased with FilmDev's scans recently. Muddy shadows, etc. The 120 scans have been ok but 35mm are definitely underwhelming, and I'm 99% sure it's not my exposures
Where else are people using?
Muddy shadows is normally under exposure, especially on consumer C41. Which 35mm film are you using ?
Having said that I don't use Filmdev because of their over sharpening/high micro contrast issue. I use two labs local to me, Palm and AG and their scans are great. Especially Palm. -
• #19990
Admittedly, it is worse with C200. But I've had it on Portra too, and I always over expose by a stop if not more. I wouldn't mind if the shadows fell to black (I've asked them to scan for highlights, no idea if they do) but often it's just brown mush. Always seems like everyone else posting here has rich deep blacks in their scans.
And yes, the over sharpening even when specifically requested not to is getting annoying. Will try Palm next time, or revert to doing my own scanning again
• #19991
If rich deep blacks is what you want maybe rather under-expose than over-expose?
• #19992
What I mean is, black is actually rendered black. Not brown.
• #19993
Sounds like you're doing the right thing then re exposure.
The other possibility is the scanner trying to pull details out of shadows when there's nothing there - normally leads to quite flat scans with dirty shadows instead of blacks. You can sort this though in post by fiddling with exposure/shadows/blacks/contrast
• #19994
..ahh, gotcha.
Well pictures would help but I think I can imagine what you're talking about;
indeed this seems to be a scanner issue, likely it's evaluating the exposure of the frame wrong and then trying to pull detail out of the shadows where there are none. And this looks especially bad with cheaper emulsions like Fuji C200 as it has less latitute .Long story short why don't you talk to them / ask them if they can do better?
• #19995
Pentax pc550, fomapan 400
1 Attachment
• #19996
Canon a1, ultramax 400
3 Attachments
• #19997
Pentax pc550, fomapan 400
very nice
• #19998
Nikon F80, C200
1 Attachment
• #19999
• #20000
Loving these.
And this!