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  • Did a boater fart on your knee

    Naa they helped stunt the growth of kids' lungs. @starfish&coffee makes further important points about the insulation of these boats and the extra energy therefore needed to heat them.

    Yes, I'm exercised about this. Recently been researching the impact of diesel emissions in particular on childrens' lungs, and helping to campaign for car- free areas around schools. I have been asking alot of tradespeople (of which I am one myself) to turn off their idling diesel engines. Many are surprised and apologetic when I tell them that 9500 people a year are killed by london's air, and stationary vehicles produce around 2x the toxic particles. Many tell me to fuck off and even become physically agressive. These ignorant responses to a massive health hazard leave me angry and depressed. The promotion of lifestyles reliant on producing more of these emissions even more so.

  • I imagine that the boating community’s contribution to London’s terrible air quality is disproportionately massive, yes. Let’s get the fuckers. With pitchforks.

  • Every individual idling a diesel engine, using a wood stove, not insulating their house is the problem. Every single one. One of the most common responses I get when aking people to turn off their engines is: "but what about all that traffic, and you're bothering me, I'm just one person" as if this makes their own emissions less harmful. It's a weak response and people need to be educated about this public health emergency.

  • Problems caused by boaties:



    Kittens (dead)



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