My LA was one of the early declarers back in February. Even so the first public engagement was in June with a brainstorming session.
It's as if we didn't know what the problems were.
I used to work for the authority in the 1990's, and was there during all the feverish activity around the Rio summit and Agenda 21, which ultimately amounted to nothing.
Last week the council said it was doing well on transport as 6% of journeys are now made by bike. Yet their own count says it was 2%. These declarations are not worth the hot air they are announced with without action.
I don't think they understand how serious the threat is.
Just found this
Astounding the number of UK councils that have declared Climate Emergency.
These declarations are meant to evolve into specific actions, and quickly.
There'll be a lot of information about this topic. We have a few threads discussing climate stuff and XR actions
@Velocio perhaps Climate Emergency needs it's own forum.
I know there are XR what's app groups that people use for sharing info. These are not good for collecting and searching for info