I use a few of these, both 1 to 1 and 1 to many to send sky signal around the house, they have been pretty flawless to be honest. I’m fairly sure you can’t send it via anything, mine goes hdmi from sky box to converter, patch cable to wall plate, Ethernet through the house to relevant port behind TV, path cable to receiver, hdmi to TV.
Certainly can’t use an Ethernet cable that is already used for data.
Cheers. I was hoping it could be sent via router/switches to get it where I already have ethernet but now I think about it those cables are obviously already carrying data.
Sadly not, needs dedicated lines, but does work very well if you can get the cables in place. I have three sky boxes in my network cupboard in the loft, and they send Sky signal to 6 different TVs round the house pretty flawlessly.
I use a few of these, both 1 to 1 and 1 to many to send sky signal around the house, they have been pretty flawless to be honest. I’m fairly sure you can’t send it via anything, mine goes hdmi from sky box to converter, patch cable to wall plate, Ethernet through the house to relevant port behind TV, path cable to receiver, hdmi to TV.
Certainly can’t use an Ethernet cable that is already used for data.