They won't tell you anything because they want to keep a lid on it and also probably won't do much at all.
CCTV could be used to give to the police to pursue a driving conviction.
Recently a taxi driver used his vehicle to force me to the side of the road as a punishment for riding primary. I sent the video to the police and he got sent on a drive awareness course and he never actually hit me or knocked me off.
Their response to me saying that I'd like to see some action taken towards him was that he will be interviewed/a 'thorough investigation' will be held, but that they cant update me due to HR policies and GDPR regulations.
A bit odd, I don't want any of his private information but I would like to know the outcome, not sure how that affects GDPR considering that's all about personal data as far as I understand.
Tbh, I'm not sure where requesting the cctv would get me. I cant see any action being taken by other parties as no physical harm or damage to property was done.