So got the survey through on the house I'm buying.
The issues are scaled 1-3. 1 being immediate action required. 2, will need doing to stop problems in the future.
There are a bunch of 2s which I could do myself but will cost me money.
Mainly brick work, replacing spalled bricks and re-pointing.
Shall I try to knock money off the sale price?
It was the lowest end of the guide price, so essentially yes.
I wouldn't imagine knocking much off so wouldn't have thought it would change the LTV. I will check though.
So got the survey through on the house I'm buying.
The issues are scaled 1-3. 1 being immediate action required. 2, will need doing to stop problems in the future.
There are a bunch of 2s which I could do myself but will cost me money.
Mainly brick work, replacing spalled bricks and re-pointing.
Shall I try to knock money off the sale price?