That’s a Smiths Deluxe, Cheltenham made SS Case, prob with a back marked waterproof and antimagnetic.
A nice example, if a little ‘clean’ for my tastes.
With the Smiths you want the ones marked ‘made in England’ not the ‘made in Great Britain’. The MIE ones have a full English made movement and in the deluxe versions 15, 17 or 18 jewels (if I remember correctly). Smiths stopped making in Cheltenham in 1971. A move to Wales and a sharing of facilities with Ingersol and other followed, as did a decline in quality.
With the deluxe you can also claim to have a direct link to the first watch that was worn up Everest (Rolex who?) Which was a type of Deluxe.
Other than that useless info, just the usual common sense stuff. From the red background I can tell who the seller is and they move a lot of Smiths on eBay, which all seem quite decent.
More Deluxe info here. And more Smiths info here and bizarrely, here.
Sure there is someone one here with more Smiths knowledge than I mind.
I like this on ebay at the minute. What should I look out for when buying old watches like this?