Even fairly ordinary lenses out-resolve colour negative film ... but you see the colour aberrations easily. So something good (for instance nice Zeiss or Minolta lenses) holds colour together well whilst old simple-formula lenses (or badly made modern lenses) look a bit ropey.
^ This is why both of these things can be true at the same time:
iso 100 b&w can look seriously sick on a 35mm and a good lens.
Colour neg in 120 can look pretty soft, even with ok lenses.
Even fairly ordinary lenses out-resolve colour negative film ... but you see the colour aberrations easily. So something good (for instance nice Zeiss or Minolta lenses) holds colour together well whilst old simple-formula lenses (or badly made modern lenses) look a bit ropey.
^ This is why both of these things can be true at the same time:
{edited (whilst drunk) because drunk}