Those give-way markings were part of an older traffic scheme, installed around 2012, I think.
A bit faded by 2014, but the left turn used to be unsignalised.,-0.1265033,3a,75y,44.02h,83.53t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sczLW3Hyyi2wcEGRiwc_F6w!2e0!5s20140701T000000!7i13312!8i6656 It's a little confusing to track via StreetView, as the camera positions vary and you jump a lot between years, but with a bit of elbow grease you can work it out.
Ah cool, that makes sense. Has made the whole thing a bit clearer to me thanks :)
@MCamb started
London Fixed Gear and Single-Speed is a community of predominantly fixed gear and single-speed cyclists in and around London, UK.
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Those give-way markings were part of an older traffic scheme, installed around 2012, I think.
A bit faded by 2014, but the left turn used to be unsignalised.,-0.1265033,3a,75y,44.02h,83.53t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sczLW3Hyyi2wcEGRiwc_F6w!2e0!5s20140701T000000!7i13312!8i6656
It's a little confusing to track via StreetView, as the camera positions vary and you jump a lot between years, but with a bit of elbow grease you can work it out.