The highlights for me were watching the gradual change in the colour of the sky during sunset and then dawn, followed by the dawn chorus and the steadily reducing size of roads as we got closer to the beach.
Yes, same for me on my first Dynamo. Was a bit of an anticlimax other than that, arriving on a cool, pebbly, drizzly beach with Sizewell B looming on the right. My aunt, who lives in Ipswitch, assures me that it's a lovely place, but maybe the 150 miles so far & no sleep coloured things a little for me! Would've been nice to hang around a bit, but the queue & the fact I had another thirty miles to get some sleep put me off a bit.
Great experience though! So nice to be out in the country rather than the dirty London air. Was expecting to see more wacky bikes, as other people have said. Everyone I talked to was lovely & it was fun to ride with loads of different groups until I found one riding the right pace for me. Somehow ended up on the front for a little bit & noticed that there were no lights in front for a while! Turned around & there was a huge line of lights, felt quite responsible! Thankfully I managed to get back towards everyone else's route quite quickly.
The highlights for me were watching the gradual change in the colour of the sky during sunset and then dawn, followed by the dawn chorus and the steadily reducing size of roads as we got closer to the beach.
My brother and our two friends were one of the roadie douchebag crews, though a lot more considerate than most I hope. There were some proper choppers around. I was on the front most of the time and got cut up several times by the tail end of a bunch pulling in too soon after passing us.
It warmed my heart and made me smile every time we passed someone on a mad Christmas tree of a bike, so despite being the opposite ourselves, I'd love to see more of that kind of cyclist on the Dynamo.
Having said that, once is probably enough for me as the lack of sleep fall-out was a bit wack on Sunday. One less roadie buzzing the lit-up smiling people.