Hive mind opinion needed. I’ve got a rigid boost Fuji I built from bits cheap that 95% of the time is fine for what I ride- bit slow on flats and draggy climbs with the big tyres, fun on easy downhills.
Stupidly I’ve entered the peaks Scott marathon in September so I’m now thinking my bike will slow me down! I’m now torn between
Get 29er boost wheels for it and thinner tyres - similar height total, faster rolling but less cushioning
Get a sus fork for it
Get a new rear mech, cassette and shifter so I can spin up hills more- currently got old 9 speed bits
Stop wasting money and somehow borrow or buy a proper xc marathon bike for the day?
Thanks very kind offer, but I’m Manchester based and I guess you’re London?
I had thought going 2x up front and have the rings that came on my chain set, but they say something in the back about specific chains only so not convinced they will work with older 9 speed?
Hive mind opinion needed. I’ve got a rigid boost Fuji I built from bits cheap that 95% of the time is fine for what I ride- bit slow on flats and draggy climbs with the big tyres, fun on easy downhills.
Stupidly I’ve entered the peaks Scott marathon in September so I’m now thinking my bike will slow me down! I’m now torn between
What we think?