I've had acupuncture on my back but that was from the cheap physio and I don't think what they did actually did anything.
Yeah, fat fucks like me can get it because beer guts hang over their belts while spending all day at desks. Since it only happens when racing I'd like to think mine is more due to my TT position crushing the nerve and less to do with my excess BF but yeah if I magically lost 20kg I'd probably be better off in a few ways.
Yep and Perivale Brewery had a fayre and we went and saw Garbage play at Kew Gardens and then we were out last night at Santa Maria with some mates. So yeah, I've probably doubled my calorie intake in beer alone last week.
I copied my route from TCR5 but there's another road which runs even closer to the A1. Back then one of them was a construction site but I don't remember much about it. I don't think either has streetview for a bunch of it so I'll probably have two routes and pick which ever one isn't gravel bullshit.
I've got my meralgia back (hip problem) which is getting right on my tits. It was a big problem for me during 24hr racing but I'd fixed it (well, Scherrit had fixed it) but since I swapped saddles (and messed with his position) it's come back after TP.
I'm going to take some ibuprofen today to see if it helps. I hope it doesn't because I don't want to take that shit during races.