Seemed a quieter Dynamo than last time we did it, with far fewer interesting/novelty/highly unsuitable bikes.
Noticed this too, 99% road bikes. Was on a SS with big tyres and loved it, was perfect for the DD. Otherwise a pleasant but pretty unremarkable ride. Only annoyances were my friend's BB clicking away for the entire 200km, and managing to get lost in exactly the same place as last time, but detouring via Stowmarket wasn't really an issue.
Leaving lateish (around 9pm) definitely makes the first stretch nicer.
After a jaunt in Epping and some dicking around with off-road tandeming, had a nice spin back along the canal and ate huge amounts of Temple of Seitan goodness before wandering amongst the bikes. Left earlyish and made great time to the halfway point for well flavoured but disappointing undercooked vegan beans. After that Kate started feeling very disorientated and sleepy in the darkness and progress got steadily slower and my undercarriage got steadily worse. Made it in good time but never been so nonplussed to see a nice beach. Definitely doing it on a tandem next time.
Seemed a quieter Dynamo than last time we did it, with far fewer interesting/novelty/highly unsuitable bikes. Highlights were the custom righty tallbike and a nice pair of Fern and Meerglas randos.
The Salsa worked great all day though; I've since eaten about 4000kcal of pizza; and having effectively completed a 250+km excursion can feel justified in my opinion that audaxing is just silly.