You won't have a problem refilling. I think the many food stops generally offer water for free. There are some pubs early on in the route that will still be open. If you're quick, you might make it as far as Finchingfield. Things change every year, though, and there may be more pubs open this year. I can't remember where it was now, but I rode past one pub that was just closing somewhere after Needham Market. It was at least 2 or 3am. Whether or not you want one or two bottles probably depends on your stopping strategy, e.g. can you get to Sudbury on one bottle? It won't be that warm, so less need for water.
Just decided I'm gonna have a crack at this. Think i have most of the stuff I'll need (apart from maybe the legs).
I only have one set of bosses/cage on my bike, so will need to fashion something tomorrow... What is refill situation like on route/how much water should I carry?