I've been fearing a death of an electric scooter rider would happen for some time. Very sad. I've been hoping people might be able to jump clear from a situation like this more often than bike riders, but obviously it's not that simple. Incidents can happen very fast.
Most likely there was some kind of driving error involved, but there are also good reasons why the use of these things is illegal on public land. People can go as fast as a reasonably quick bike rider, 20mph or more, without much or any riding experience, and combined with a scooter they're even smaller than somebody on a bike, making the usual SMIDSY excuse more likely.
None of that is to blame the victim in this incident--as always, sail before steam, and the junction layout there has been even worse than before since they messed it up a few years ago--, but doing something illegally will of course reflect badly on the rider. :(
Not nice news out of Battersea