I've done all but the bit to the right of Stratheyre on the second route: on 28s.
Around Killin, I would be tempted to reverse the NCN part rather than heading up/down the A85 to the top of the pass.
It's a lovely bit of cycle network.
I can also second the suggestion of the south side of Loch Tay: quiet, lovely views of Ben Lawers.
Yep, always go south side past Ardeonaig, north side is fine if you are on a fast road ride in a group, but nothing else.
I only use that road to get off Ben Lawers or to get to Kenmore from Fearnan on road rides
Otherwise, keep it safe, keep it south
@Ecobeard started
London Fixed Gear and Single-Speed is a community of predominantly fixed gear and single-speed cyclists in and around London, UK.
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I've done all but the bit to the right of Stratheyre on the second route: on 28s.
Around Killin, I would be tempted to reverse the NCN part rather than heading up/down the A85 to the top of the pass.
It's a lovely bit of cycle network.
I can also second the suggestion of the south side of Loch Tay: quiet, lovely views of Ben Lawers.