On the above - I've ridden my Arkose predominantly on road and it's never felt particularly unwieldy. It's not a fast disc road bike, but it was never supposed to be. Mine is my winter trainer on 47c 650s and it's wonderful.
Having said that, you could ride a Dolomite off-road well enough too. Bikes are much more capable than marketing departments would have you believe.
(by off-road I mean gravel, fire roads, summer cross etc etc rather than 8 foot drop offs and rock gardens)
On the above - I've ridden my Arkose predominantly on road and it's never felt particularly unwieldy. It's not a fast disc road bike, but it was never supposed to be. Mine is my winter trainer on 47c 650s and it's wonderful.
Having said that, you could ride a Dolomite off-road well enough too. Bikes are much more capable than marketing departments would have you believe.
(by off-road I mean gravel, fire roads, summer cross etc etc rather than 8 foot drop offs and rock gardens)