Could anyone point me towards a good person/company to speak to about getting a first mortgage? I'd rather speak to an independent rather than a bank to get an accurate (more so than an online calc?) idea on how much we'd be able to borrow based on current circumstances, and what change in circumstance could result in.
This seems like a question for a mortgage advisor, or is there a step before that for someone as green as me?
As @TW said, Lee Fisher is awesome. He has helped with a fair few non standard mortgages for us but has also helped several friends as first time buyers. He takes great pride in his work and has been our go to mortgage advisor for over 20 years.
Could anyone point me towards a good person/company to speak to about getting a first mortgage? I'd rather speak to an independent rather than a bank to get an accurate (more so than an online calc?) idea on how much we'd be able to borrow based on current circumstances, and what change in circumstance could result in.
This seems like a question for a mortgage advisor, or is there a step before that for someone as green as me?