Not sure. It was there when we moved in.
I plan on moving it, but I've never attempted to unearth bamboo before and I've heard that it might be a bit mission impossible. It's about 1m from the front of the doorway so have a little wiggle room.
I sense that you're about to tell me I've done a blunder.
Not you, but the previous resident may have. If its been there a while it may be ok. It spreads like crazy. Usually people will put a solid or material barrier around the bamboo to stop it from spreading.
https://www.rhs.org.uk/advice/profile?PID=79Its not a huge plant so personally I'd stick it in a decent sized pot (making sure to get it all when you dig it up). You have to water it which is a ball-ache but its pretty bad if it spreads. It can grow through concrete. Probably unlikely with that small plant and your chunky slab. There was a house up the road from me when I lived near Chiswick where the bamboo (a fairly big plant in fairness) had grown under a brick wall and through the pavement.
BTW: IANAH (Horticulturalist)
Is that Bamboo planted straight in the ground? Or do you have some kind of buried barrier?