No time wasted - I sold it on the forum, it sold pretty quickly.
Keep an eye out on Gumtree, you will definitely find some very good examples, badly listed, that have only been used a couple of times.
Examples below:
https://www.gumtree.com/p/coffee-machines/gaggia-baby-twin-coffee-machine-for-sale/1344796456They will likely need a deep clean and most likely need the solenoid valve sorted if water has been sitting in the boiler for extended periods of time.
Then you can start the upgrade process!
I have another Gaggia New Baby 06 in Black for sale!
I owned 2x Gaggia Baby and I have just brought it back from France.
The only modification was an upgraded shower screen. The rest is original.
It comes with a brand new Brita in-tank filter (not fitted), single & double basket, new spare rubber gasket, plastic tamper, measuring coffee spoon.
It works well and I am after £75.
Priority to these people who shown interest to the previous one.
@broken_777 - @Victorrr - @Acliff