Evening all - I'm looking at getting my first HiFi and would like some advice. Have a budget of £150-£200 and had in mind a CD player, amp and larger bookshelf speakers.
Is the below worth a go or would I be better off getting second hand parts and piecing a system together? Any pointers appreciated, it's all a bit new to me!
@tomatoe +1 on the Denon units. I bought one recently for my Dad and gave him an old pair of speakers I wasn’t using. What @seven says is true too, so perhaps budget to upgrade the speakers to the MA bronzes when you can afford to?
Evening all - I'm looking at getting my first HiFi and would like some advice. Have a budget of £150-£200 and had in mind a CD player, amp and larger bookshelf speakers.
Is the below worth a go or would I be better off getting second hand parts and piecing a system together? Any pointers appreciated, it's all a bit new to me!