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• #52
Do you have the black ones?
• #53
Bringing the postman bike?
• #54
*all the colours being black or white
• #55
Can I have one black and one white?
How many bread puddings is that?
• #56
One bread pudding will suffice
Preferably pre-2018 recipe and portion size
• #57
The bread puddings have got bigger again recently.
• #58
My thanks to everyone who signed the petition..
• #59
I've noticed that they've started selling bread pudding at Bradley's "dubious political beliefs" Tea Hut.
• #60
Bradley's "dubious political beliefs" Tea Hut
Can't say that I've had the pleasure of stopping there
• #61
They also do liver sausage sandwiches, must be a regional speciality, along with hot Ribena.
And before anyone starts i'll not have a bad word said against a cornish pastie with Bovril (with milk in it)
• #62
They also do liver sausage sandwiches
Looks like I'll continue to not stop there for the next few
centuriesdecades -
• #63
You said 650b wasn't allowed
• #64
All wheel sizes are welcome
Especially 36ers
• #65
You said 650b wasn't allowed
for anyone else.
• #66
One day I will come on the best size that exists, 20"!
• #67
Becoming a 'premium' badger doesn't mean you can start making rules
• #68
I mean, nobody takes any notice of mine
• #69
Is that when someone makes a suitably long low and slack BMX?
• #70
Nah I'd come on a race bmx
• #71
We all have to ride these now
• #72
Yeah that's pretty slack, but I think that's actually a Tuff Burner.
• #73
There's one for sale on eBay with a side car, perfect for the side car classification in next year's MTB Madness https://www.ebay.co.uk/i/264317049296?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=710-134428-41853-0&mkcid=2&itemid=264317049296&targetid=595627824393&device=t&adtype=pla&googleloc=9044965&poi=&campaignid=1700156600&adgroupid=63778811502&rlsatarget=pla-595627824393&abcId=1140496&merchantid=6995734&gclid=Cj0KCQjwpPHoBRC3ARIsALfx-_J8lOaH4zurOZaN28KhHXy73_nN5F5Z8ZwRWynmljiSdnDm806yQbwaAjzvEALw_wcB
• #74
That looks awesome!
Could carry LOADS of bread pudding on that
• #75
And someone to feed it to me..
I may need one for my new bike if it gets built in time.