just saw that decision and it unfortunately reiterates what a cuntish rule it is.
funnily enough though this type of decision has been creeping in for the last few seasons and its odd how now that fifa sanction it people start to see how cretinous it is. This wont last the season and will probably be changed by xmas. This will show itself in either of two ways i) too many top teams attack and get a penalty due to percentage of shots and crosses ii) low level teams beat big teams due to stupid handball rule.
as with diving and all other rules in football people will end up giving shit rule credence because it helps them in a particular game so they look like hypocrites if they protest. in general this is a cunt rule that no footballer could endorse outside of the professional bow down and accept it leagues. try getting a penalty for that shit back of the chip shop in Banbury circa 1982 and you would have had your parents house egged and then you would have had the law of the baseball bat .
Anyone see the womens football last night? in particular the handball decision against japan.
That's the new rule, twat it in the box if it hits a hand to a side of a player it's a pen.
There's going to be a lot of penalties next season