Slight problem of the mountaaaaaains in the middle 900k for me :P
Also, like I said, this is a sight-seeing trip. It's too close to TCR to dig myself into a hole so I want to maximise sleep and maximise daylight riding to enjoy it as much as possible. Actually that's another reason to maybe use hotels - better rest. But you're right, sleep kit is < 1kg. I was just looking forward to someone saying "oh, all the hotels in the Pyrenees are £20 per night and they're all open 24hr reception and there's hundreds of them so taking sleep kit is pointless"..
Because 24,000m of climbing with my sleep kit vs. without my sleep kit. The less shit I can take the more fun the actual riding is. But then I'm not planning to race this so I was thinking: wake up for sunrise in the mountains, ride until dark, sleep. Hotel bed and showers are nice if it's hot and I'm caked in salt, etc. but it's also only 950k so less than a week's riding. Bivvy does give more options though.