Nothing works.
Not true! This is the video I based our slug fence on. It's all around the edge of a raised bed we grow veg in and it works great.
I just bought a 9v battery and these:
https://smile.amazon.co.uk/dp/B000Y8GX4A/ref=pe_385721_37986871_TE_item?sa-no-redirect=1But you also need one of these (I had one already):
It works great. Once the slug or snail crosses the first wire and touches the second they retreat straight away. Occasionally a slug (never a snail) for some reason doesn't retreat or gets stuck and they get fried. I don't lose sleep over that though as it normally doesn't hurt them.
Also totally organic, I didn't want to use slug pellets, too many nasty chemicals in my garden.
Copper tape doesn't work according to this although we have a raised herb bed on top of a built in cupboard in our garden with thick copper edges and it never get slugs in it either...
Copper bands seem to work, until it rains and the foliage bends down, over the band, making a slug bridge.
Nothing works.