• On a related note, these are the plans for the improvements around Turnpike Lane including loads of extra parking spots (70 or so) https://www.haringey.gov.uk/regeneration/wood-green/improving-turnpike-lane#TPLFuture

    I emailed them about this pointing out that a lot of studies now show that this isn't where the custom comes from and as part of the response they said

    As you mention below shop owners feel that their customers always travel by car, shoppers say they don't. TfL have carried out lots of studies on this but regardless of the evidence base this isn't how the shop owners feel

    There's not much to be done with that ...

  • Yes, it's the same thing every time. Ironically, business on Turnpike Lane would improve if the car parking were removed almost entirely (some spaces left for people with mobility difficulties, as well as loading bays) and the footways widened. Then good quality bus stops and people would get off and shop there much more.

    The next stage in the saga will be that the new car parking spaces in the side streets will lead to complaints from residents, because of the inevitable increase in short-stay nuisance parking, litter-dropping, and rise in other anti-social behaviour such as drug dealing.
