• Australia managed to automate most of the speed camera stuff so I don't see why, oh yeah we're in England, yeah, zzzz... ooh look plastic bank notes.

    Hidden speed cameras, most cop cars have built in speed cameras, 0 tolerance policy and a government happy to have income from fines unlike the Tories who just get rid of police to save money.

  • So is enforcement in Australia also done in the dense cores of older cities? That's obviously where it's most difficult.

    I've never read up on enforcement in Australia, so don't know much about it.

    As you know, there are speed cameras in the UK, too, e.g. on motorways etc., but they have come under fierce political attack in the past and form part of a very sorry saga.

  • That's obviously where it's most difficult.

    Is it? Pretty sure that the same cameras that do red light runners get speeders. Piece of piss basically. I don't know what the cameras cost but I bet they pay themselves off pretty bloody quick.

  • OT but re speed cameras, was coming down the M1 through the new sections a couple of weeks back and through those new gantries and shit sections, signs were lit up ‘70’ and the flashes were popping off like mad. Traffic wasn’t heavy at all so no real need for ‘managing’ it (which was the purpose of all that infrastructure and investment) But motorways, however could be made to work in 20 zones I guess?
